Monday, December 12, 2011

Criminals and Peacemakers

Well I am back from my little hiatus (not intentionally, but I have always wanted to use that word.) Because I took a mini break from blogging I have fresh stories to share. As you probably know half of my waking life is spent clubbing. (Ok, it's probably not that much but it feels like it/def seems like it on my blog/twitter/fb) So naturally both of the stories I'm going to share today stem from the club.

The Saturday before last, I did not want to go to the club. Unbelievable I know, but I was packing and shopping all day (rough, I know.) and I wasn't feeling it. Of course I never end up actually staying home when this happens usually someone persuades me or someone else offers to drive. This time it was the latter.

The club I frequent on Saturday nights I'm pretty much a regular and know enough people there that I brought nothing with me but a coat and my iPhone. Once we got in the car, Lizette asked me to share an explicit song that is only on my phone (Lizette hasn't synced hers in forever) that we are recently obsessed with since our adventure at the strip club- see previous post- so we put it on and enjoyed some quality profanity. (Is that an oxymoron?)

When we arrived to the club, I decided to leave my phone in the car (ladies if you have the pocket space to carry your phone in without dropping it- more power to you, but I somehow never have pockets.) It was another good night out and I left feeling content except for my throbbing feet. New heels, bad idea. We reached the car and to our dismay Shalaysa's window had been smashed in and what to you know my phone was stolen. Nothing else was missing, not Lizette's purse, or Shay's phone and iPod that were right next to my phone. UGH. I called verizon immediately but the insurance thing takes awhile to ship to you (especially when called at 3 a.m. on a Saturday) so for the first time in I don't know how long I was phone less for more than like a day. I felt like such a cave man. Like really what did people do before smart phones??? "I don't know the answer to that.. and I would google it but I don't have a phone," "I'd call you to hang out but.. I don't have a phone," I could go on for days but by then you'd want to murder me and never read my blog again for sure so I won't.

Because of the delivery schedule/my work/my family not being home, I didn't get a phone again until Wednesday evening. I think it was very beneficial on weeding out people I talk to unnecessarily though. (Kidding, mostly.) It was also very humbling. And basically I hate criminals. (And yes, I know there is a "find my iPhone app" and no I did not have it.)

Now that the hate is out of the way, let's talk about how I'm pretty much the biggest peacemaker ever. The next Saturday (so this last one) I went back to my spot (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) and was enjoying my night- way better than the last weekend. Good music, good friends and a good crowd. Couldn't be better. I ran into some people I know from Utah State and thought nothing of it until the end of the night when one of them was starting a fight with someone in the crew of regulars I also associate with. Luckily, my bouncer friends are all over it and dragged him outside asap (which I found it kind of funny, because between us the USU athlete in question- we'll call him R- kind of thinks he is the ish.) So you'd think that would be the end of it right?


A beneficial friend of mine (if you catch my drift) who I'll refer to as GHB, saw the whole debacle from the stage and ran outside to see what R's problem was with little J (my name for the one he was trying to fight- he is short so it fits.) Which would be NBD because GHB is 6'3", 250 and solid and the bouncers were encouraging him to knock the hot head R out, but no... GHB wants to get little J and R to "talk it out." Or something.

So there was a spat between the crews and that's when I was pretty much over the night. When I left I shot GHB a text not to hit one of the guys because he is nice... we will call him A+. Well, a little bit later GHB called to let me know he wasn't going to hit A+ until he jumped him and started punching him after the fight had simmered out. So GHB knocked him out. Poor kid. But now that should be the end of things, right?

Wrong again.

GHB calls me the next day to ask if I gave A+ his phone number. I did not, obvi. But somehow he got it and called GHB threatening him saying they were coming down from Logan next weekend and it's on and so on. I advised him that they were empty threats but he let me know that things would have been worse the night before (talking like guns and ish like that) had he not intervened on R and A+'s behalf. What a nice fella. "But this time," he warned me, "if he is going to keep calling my phone and threatening me I'm not going to do anything. Not to start it not to stop it." Great.

"Give me one hour," I replied. He agreed. Immediately upon hanging up, I made a few calls and pulled some strings I still have with some athlete alum in Logan. Within 30 minutes everyone involved had been called and the situation squashed.

Don't ask me how I do it, I'm pretty much Gandhi. Minus the fasting.


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